7 Oct 2013

Home (Boomarang)

Lyrics: Boomarang 
Band: Boomarang, Aizawl, Mizoram

Hoo..ome! Hoo..ome!
Hoo..ome! Ohhhh x2 [Hoo oh?]

Hello my friend
I'm glad to see that life treats you kind
It's been so long
But our past I'm sure it's all left behind
Tomorrow will come
After the end of this night
And all the years gone by
Will be nothing but flashes of light

Hoo..ome! Ohhhh x2

We came this far
Let's look back on where we have been
We're all trying to reach the stars
 But somehow end up right where we start

Where do we go
We'll get to the end of this road
I sure that when this life terminates
My soul will find a final resting place


Tomorrow will come
After the end of this night
And all the years gone by
Will be nothing but flashes of light


Lyrics© Boomarang Band, Aizawl, Mizoram, India.
The lyrics posted here is based on hearing from their music video and not to be considered as their original lyrics as some words may be misspelled or mistaken.
Fan may search # Boomarang home # Boomarang lyrics # home boomarang lyrics # boomarang home lyrics # home lyrics boomarang # boomarang mizoram home # boomarang lyrics home # Boomarang Aizawl home lyrics # home boomarang # boomerang home

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Your lyrics are provided by the Four Brothers: Thlenga (L), AThlana, Zara, and Amuana. Our main concern in this blog is to provide all genres of Mizo lyrics for lovers of Mizo songs. You can drop lyrics requests through our e-mail: mizohlathu@gmail.com or our postal address: The Four Brothers Mizo Lyrics Admin Team, C/o. Mr. R. Hrangzuala, Four Brothers’ Cottage, House No: A/166, Sialsuk, Kawnveng, Aizawl District, Mizoram, India